Friday, November 4, 2011

Sigma Chi Prepares for National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week and More

Justin Ecung

          With National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week quickly approaching at the Utah State University campus, student clubs and organizations are making their last preparations for their planned events. Sigma Chi, one of the fraternities on campus, not only has a busy and informative week planned, but this group of young men have taken alcohol awareness a step further; truly taking a firm stance on alcohol at USU.

            The men of Sigma Chi emphasized that involvement on campus and in the community is at the forefront of the many things they wish to tackle this semester.

            “We’re planning on working with Ryan Barfuss, vice president for student services, and the Student Health and Wellness Center to spread alcohol awareness. Hopefully we’ll be able to have a car that has been used to encourage the knowledge of alcohol abuse parked on our front lawn,” Chase Casillas, a Sigma Chi pledge, said.

            The fraternity also plans on having a very large number of student volunteers at The Howl, one of the largest Halloween parties in the state of Utah.

            In October of 2010, local police noticed a steady rise in the number of arrest made and alcohol citations at the howl. Sigma Chi plans on spending the evening helping with security and anything else The Howl staff may need them for.

            “If everything goes as planned, I’ll be the head of security at the howl and the majority of those in the security line will also be fraternity brothers. It’s an opportunity not only to help the university, but also crack down on a problem that has been greatly affecting the campus,” Casillas said.

            However, the fraternity’s efforts to rid the campus of the growing alcohol problem won’t stop at the conclusion of Alcohol Awareness Week. Members of Sigma Chi have met with Ryan Barfuss and the Chief of the Logan Police Department to discuss how individuals of age can enjoy alcohol responsibly. Every weekend members and friends of the fraternity take advantage of its Sober Sig program.

            “The Sober Sig program is something we use to keep everyone at our house safe. The program consists of a group of individuals who are responsible for: making sure no one under the age of 21 is drinking, making sure everyone at the house is at least 18, patrolling the property, keeping out people that don’t go to the university and providing rides and escorts home to anyone that may need them,” said Mathew Thomas, risk manager of Sigma Chi.

            Due to the strict alcohol policy at their house, individuals have been turned away and asked to leave parties. Nevertheless, when these people are asked to leave, it’s for their own safety and that of others.

            Furthermore, Thomas will also be teaching classes on the prevention of alcohol abuse to individuals that have been cited for alcohol violations. The majority of these individuals will be students under the age of 21 who have been ticketed as a minor in possession of alcohol.  

            “The class won’t necessarily condemn drinking alcohol, but rather show individuals how to enjoy it legally and responsibly. It’s no secret that while in college kids are going to be around alcohol, so knowing how to be safe around it is key,” Thomas said.

            The fraternity also works with the student services office and the student health and wellness center to promote a more knowledgeable organization. Those in leadership positions throughout Sigma Chi have deemed it necessary that all members should be aware of the possible dangers alcohol consumption can pose.

            “We meet with Ryan Barfuss twice a year to discuss alcohol policies and procedures in our house. We also do a presentation to encourage the spread of alcohol awareness. At our most recent presentation a member from the Logan police department was present,” Colby Campbell, president of Sigma Chi, said.

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